Say Goodbye to Rome Flynn on B&B

It's a sad day for daytime television show " Bold and Beautiful". We have received notice that the Hot Actor Rome Flynn will be departing from CBS Daytime Show "Bold and Beautiful". See what he released to his fans on his instagram page earlier today:
Statement on Rome Flynn B&B departure: First I want to thank Brad Bell for taking a chance on this ambitious young kid and giving me more responsibility than I knew I could take on. I want to thank all of the B&B fans across the world for embracing me as your Zende Forrester. It has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life to share a piece of my self everyday with you. I worked hard to make sure I never cheated you on work ethic or integrity of this character. Such a profound responsibility to be one of the few African Americans on daytime television, one I took serious in making sure I made you feel like you knew me. My job is to imitate life in its honesty and truest form. I hope I've done you justice. So many people to thank but I want to be specific in thanking my counter part through my time here on B&B. @reignedwards You're such a joy to have worked with and an amazing talent! They don't just give out nominations for best younger actress in a drama series 2X IN A ROW. But beyond that, you're very special to me. You helped me grow as an artist and a person. We took on portraying this young black couple in love. We worked hard on keeping it authentic and true. So many hours of work on our own. We had to be vulnerable with each other for this to last, I wanna thank you for letting me in. We laughed together, we cried together, we went to war together & that's what love is. Thank you Reigny #zencole This is not goodbye but I'll see you soon! Change is good. You must make change to make way for what God has for you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Love, Rome Flynn aka Zendaddy Comment your favorite Zende moments below please 😪🤘🏾. @boldandbeautifulcbs@cbsdaytime @boldinsider